
UA Neill is a pioneering engineering, recycling, manufacturing and construction company committed to sustainable and eco-friendly practices. With expertise in materials processing machinery, eco-friendly concrete, and road surfacing materials, UA Neill has developed innovative solutions that reduce carbon emissions, enhance durability, and maximize the use of recycled materials. Their collaborations with esteemed institutions and research centres have yielded patent-pending technologies and advancements, positioning UA Neill as a leader in the pursuit of a carbon Net-Zero future. By prioritizing environmental stewardship and delivering cost-competitive products, UA Neill aims to strengthen communities, meet carbon reduction targets, and build a more sustainable world.

Mission Statement

The mission of UA Neill is dedicated to advancing the interests of the planet and promoting the vitality of an environmentally beneficial circular economy. With a strong commitment to sustainability, UA Neill actively contributes to achieving the sustainability roadmap and the Net-Zero by 2050 strategic initiative. Passion drives our work, and we strive to create a work environment that fosters excellence and translates that passion into tangible results.

What we do


Ua Neill is an engineering company specializing in the production of machinery for materials processing. Our expertise lays in designing, constructing, and providing support for products utilized in diverse sectors such as construction, maintenance, manufacturing, energy, and materials management.

As part of our commitment to sustainability, we offer specific Ua Neill products and solutions that empower customers to minimize their environmental footprint. This includes the development of electric and hybrid options that deliver silent and emission-free performance. Moreover, our products facilitate the recovery of valuable materials from different types of waste, further contributing to resource conservation and waste management efforts.


With a decade of extensive experience and services, we aim to optimize waste management economically while adhering to regulations. By transforming waste into valuable resources, we actively contribute to a circular economy. Our focus lays in developing technologies and specialized methods for the efficient separation of laminate materials, this endeavour has yielded successful results in generating multiple new products from previously discarded waste, which would have otherwise ended up in landfills. Our collaboration with BSI, ISO, and European manufacturing quality management systems ensures the implementation of these processes with the highest standards of excellence. Our recycling company operates in a landfill-free manner, ensuring that no by-products from our recycling and manufacturing processes end up in landfills. Additionally, we take pride in being carbon negative, meaning that we remove or offset more carbon from the atmosphere than we emit.


Ua Neill Eco construction specialize in eco-friendly solutions, including eco-friendly concrete, steel reinforcement, concrete construction, early works construction, facility upgrades, and new builds. One of our notable achievements is the development of eco-friendly, low-carbon concretes, which aim to facilitate easier access to sustainable construction materials.

Through this development, we have successfully reduced the CO2 emissions associated with standard CEM I concrete by up to 85 percent. This significant reduction supports contractors and clients in meeting their carbon reduction targets. Additionally, our eco-friendly concretes offer enhanced long-term durability to structures and contribute to the conservation of natural resources for future generations. Since they do not require material quarrying, they help prevent the disposal of waste in landfills.

Our eco-friendly concretes has undergone rigorous laboratory testing for compressive strength, density, and dimensional accuracy. We can provide test certificates upon request, ensuring transparency and quality assurance for our products.


UA Neill is focused on developing and establishing secondary end markets for laminate materials, which contributes to the creation and reinforcement of an environmentally sustainable circular economy. This approach is aimed at reducing CO2 emissions and lowering the carbon footprint of industries, aligning with UA Neill’s primary objective. The reprocessing and manufacturing system implemented by UA Neill adheres to the quality control standards set by the British Standards Institution Publicly Available Specification (BSI), which ensures consistent quality throughout the lean manufacturing process. By meeting these standards, UA Neill guarantees that its processed secondary market products are versatile, clean, and environmentally compliant. Through the adoption of UA Neill’s processed secondary market products, industrial manufacturing sectors can significantly reduce their consumption of virgin materials. This reduction not only minimizes the strain on natural resources but also leads to a substantial decrease in CO2 emissions and the overall carbon footprint of the industries involved.
In summary, UA Neill’s commitment to developing secondary end markets and adhering to quality control systems enables the company to contribute to a more sustainable future by reducing consumption of virgin materials, lowering CO2 emissions, and minimizing the carbon footprint of industries.

R & D Technology
R & D Technology

Ua Neill has made significant strides in developing Carbon Negative Patent Pending technologies, aimed at playing a vital role in securing a carbon Net-Zero future for our planet. These innovative technologies extend beyond our materials processing machinery and encompass the creation of products specifically designed for the road surfacing and construction sectors.

To achieve this breakthrough, Ua Neill has fostered collaborative partnerships with prestigious institutions such as PPRC By leveraging the collective expertise of our past, present, and future collaborations, we have successfully pioneered this transformative technology.

Our commitment to sustainability and the reduction of carbon emissions is at the forefront of these advancements, as we strive to contribute to a more environmentally conscious and sustainable future.

Eco Road Surfacing
Eco road surfacing

Ua Neill has collaborated with PPRC to develop road surfacing materials that incorporate a high percentage of recycled content sourced from waste streams, that would otherwise end up in landfills or stockpiles.

This sustainable and eco-friendly innovation brings substantial sustainability and performance benefits to our customers and their communities, without introducing increased environmental risks. By utilizing recycled materials in our product mix design, Ua Neill Eco asphalt enhances durability and resistance to cracking, significantly improving the fatigue life of the road surface.

Performance testing of Ua Neill Eco asphalt has demonstrated an impressive up to 65% improvement in fatigue life and exceptional deformation resistance, making it highly capable of withstanding heavy vehicular traffic.


Ready to work together